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GOSUNCN (高新兴物联)

GOSUNCN (高新兴物联)

GOSUNCN 深圳高新兴物联科技有限公司是物联网领域的通信解决方案专家,专注于物联网行业的无线连接,致力于实现更多、更智能、更安全可靠的无线连接和服务,并为客户提供更高品质的产品和服务。GOSUNCN 高新兴物联总部设在深圳,可以充分发挥深圳作为物联网发展前沿市场、及具有完善物联网产业链和创业环境的优势,面向全球提供产品和服务,还在西安设有研发中心。

GOSUNCN 高新兴物联产品涵盖多种制式和封装的蜂窝通信模块产品、车联网通信终端产品以及IoT整体解决方案,并以持续创新和优异品质获得国内外各行业的认可。GOSUNCN 高新兴物联在深圳、西安设有研发中心,通过自主研发的物联网通信产品和解决方案,持续为国内外的OEM终端商、方案商、系统集成商、物联网业务提供商等合作伙伴提供创新解决应用,帮助客户降低成本、实现产品的快速投入市场。

自2003年成立起,GOSUNCN 高新兴物联坚持以持续的技术创新不断为客户创造价值,同时实现公司营业额的持续增长。GOSUNCN 高新兴物联拥有卓越的研发能力、优质的产品和完善的渠道,业务范围涵盖无线通信模块、车联网终端及解决方案、物联网解决方案。凭借过硬的产品和服务,GOSUNCN 高新兴物联获得了国内外多个行业的认可:与全球顶级运营商AT&T合作共同推出了其第一款物联网车载产品;与美国最具创新能力的运营商T-Mobile共同推出车载智能终端,产品和服务上市仅一年时间在线用户数量达到50万;分别与加拿大的三大运营商和墨西哥AM达成合作;GOSUNCN 高新兴物联提供的无线通信模块,已为全球超过4000万台物联网终端提供连接服务,在智能表计、车联网等多个领域实现了规模应用;GOSUNCN 高新兴物联独家中标中国电信NB-IoT模组“宇宙第一标”、发布了发布了满足3GPP R14和CCSA标准的最小尺寸NB-IoT模组ME3616,效推动NB-IoT在特定市场的规模应用,为行业带来新的变革和发展;GOSUNCN 高新兴物联为知名电商提供的“低功耗‘跑步鸡’物联网解决方案”,实现了食品安全健康与精准扶贫有机结合。

GOSUNCN 高新兴物联还拥有一支经验丰富的通信研发团队和FAE队伍,在全国各地能随时随地帮助客户实现产品适配,提供及时、到位的技术支持和服务,合作多年的渠道经销商伙伴组成了遍布全国的一张网,规模的交付能力也是高新兴物联的硬实力之一。本着开放共赢的思想,GOSUNCN 高新兴物联在智能表计、车联网、移动支付、安防监控、工业制造、远程控制、资产追踪等多个领域实现规模应用,产品遍布北美、欧洲、日本、韩国、东南亚、非洲等全球主要的国家和地区,并建立了广泛的合作联盟。

未来,GOSUNCN 高新兴物联将秉承“为客户实现更多连接、创造更多价值”的理念,持续加大对物联网市场的研发、技术等方面的投入,通过加强与产业链上下游的共同合作、整合优质服务资源,依靠领先的技术和高质量的产品,进一步拓展业务,为政府、企业和消费者提供更多更优质的物联网产品和服务。

GosuncnWelink,a leading supplier of M2M wireless communication solutions GosuncnWelink Technology Co., LTD., referred to as GosuncnWelink, dedicated to the development, production and marketing of cellular M2M Modules, connected car solutions and IoT solutions.
GosuncnWelink's high-performance M2M modules deliver wireless connectivity with a variety of air interfaces, covered GSM/GPRS, CDMA 1X/EV-DO, WCDMA/HSPA/HSPA+, LTE TDD and LTE FDD, NB-IoT/eMTC. The diversity of the products, features and form factors provide options to system integrators that are easily incorporated into their designs to solve their connectivity needs and vertical market requirements. Many of GosuncnWelink modules share the same form factor and footprint across different air technologies and data rate, which helps customers dramatically cut costs and increase productivity and efficiency.

GosuncnWelink have been doing module development work since 2003, with variety of module products are certified by the major operators worldwide, including AT&T, T-Mobile, Verizon, China Telecom, China Mobile, KDDI, NTT DoCoMo, and SK Telcom, etc. and have been applied in different vertical industries.

By combining the abundant experience in telecommunication and automotive electronics, GosuncnWelink's connected car solutions deliver reliable products and services to our partners inlcluding AT&T, T-Mobile, Telia Sonera, Octo, Deutsche Telekom AG, Vodafone, China Autonet, Shanghai Pateo, etc. GosuncnWelink can provide "device solution" or "device+platform total solution" according to the situation of customer's platform construction in different countries.
As a reliable partner in the IoT industry, GosuncnWelink assists its customers with full product life cycle support by providing technical support from hardware integration, product test and certification, application design, and product transfer to production to help the customer to achieve scale and access the market more quickly. GosuncnWelink has hundreds of offices globally to support you in your local time zone and language to reduce the time of product development, the cost of project, and to make your new IoT initiatives a success.

As an industry-leading provider of IoT integrated communication solutions, GosuncnWelink has inherited 20 years of experience in the field of wireless communication from GosuncnWelink Corporation, with fifteen years in wireless modules. GosuncnWelink has established strategic partnerships with companies like Qualcomm, MediaTek, etc. GosuncnWelink has designed and launched industrial-grade wireless modules for various air interfaces. GosuncnWelink offers various product form factors on mature platforms, providing our customers the convenience of customization.
GosuncnWelink's products and solutions have been widely used in connected car, smart metering, smart city, remote controllers, tracking, wireless POS machines, security and surveillance and tele medicine, etc.. By its cutting-edge technology, quick customization and development ability, GosuncnWelink will provide you with excellent products and services in the future and look forward to working with you together to move towards a new era of the Internet of Things.

显示全部Datasheet产品规格书    官网:www.gosuncnwelink.com/












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